
Lives Well Lived
September 30 2020

Earlier this year, Richard “Tigger” Hoare died, sadly one of this year’s many Covid fatalities. His Times obituary can be found here. A highly capable banker of the old school, coming from a long-standing banking family who still own the family bank established in 1672, he was proud to state: “I have never minded challenging things, if there is something that needs to be challenged.” And he meant it too, as the last paragraph of his obituary makes clear –
“When the regulators interviewed the partners 20 years ago, they asked me what I thought was the greatest threat to the bank, and rather foolishly I said, ‘I think you are.’ They were very cross!”
Well, even regulators, maybe especially them, need to be challenged now and again.
Sir Harry Evans, journalist and editor of the Sunday Times at a time when investigative journalism rather than clickbait articles was valued, who died last week, was another who understood very well the need to challenge those in authority. During his time as editor he won famous victories over those who tried to stop the publication of diaries by Cabinet Ministers (Richard Crossman) explaining what really goes on in government and those seeking to cover up what was known about the thalidomide drug which caused such misery to so many families.
There is a lovely line in his obituary – “Evans combined technical proficiency with moral passion to an unusual degree.”
A combination of technical proficiency, challenge and moral passion: if only we had more people in positions of power and authority of whom this could be said.
Photo by author.